Resilience Through Acceptance
As I’ve learned more about my nervous system and how to regulate, I have found a strong link between self acceptance and resilience. The more I accept my limits and met the need or resource myself, the easier it has been to come out of dysregulation and into resilience and emotional safety.
The healing happens when I experience those rock bottom places and truly understand that I am loved in those moments. I am loved and safe in the mess.
This can only really happen through actual experience of love in those moments. This is why I love the skills because it sets me up for that kind of experience, whether it is through cultivating connection with my husband, or being able to show up and love myself. I am creating safety so I can feel wildly accepted even on my worst days.
And if I were to do the opposite of acceptance in those messy moments, I would be suppressing my needs, desires and emotions, which only leads me to fear, control and shame. The choice is either shame, or resilience through acceptance.
Accepting my human experience and being present and willing to love myself through it builds the resilience I desire; it is what freedom looks and feels like; it is abundant and gracious.