Gratitude Resets Attitude

Gratitude is so crucial to having the marriage of your dreams. It is magical because it shifts your perspective which changes your experience. What you focus on grows, so when you get wildly grateful you start walking in an abundance of things to be grateful for. It’s such a beautiful, simple yet incredibly powerful skill to learn. 

At 5:30am this morning I had to clean the toilet because my son needed to go potty and in his sleepiness, he went all over the toilet instead of in the bowl. I was grumpy. He also wet our bed slightly before heading to the toilet. So I called out to my husband with a slight attitude “I’d love some help.” He helped me, and then I still got mad at him and stormed out to the spare bedroom. He followed me and just crawled into the bed to give me cuddles. Despite me being rude to him. 

Later that morning I headed out for a bit and when I got home I wrestled for 5 minutes with what I needed to do to reset so I could shake the attitude I still felt toward my husband. He was upstairs in his office, so I made myself a tea, and remembered my gratitude skill. I started thinking about how he had graciously cuddled me even in my low moment. He also helped me clean up the bed. I focused on it for a minute and my heart already began to soften. Suddenly I didn’t feel mad and I couldn’t wait to give him a hug and apologize for being disrespectful. Which went over really well. I got lots of cuddles and kisses in return. This is the power of gratitude. I had no business being so sassy just because I was tired. Yes I’m human, and how wonderful it is to be an accountable one.